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This is a list of every single song I've publicly released. While things are mostly consistent, there are certain releases that were only on Bandcamp, or only on SoundCloud, and so on. This page will compile everything across every platform, as much as I can still find. This includes both original releases and remakes, remixes, covers, anything like that, which I was doing a lot more frequently early on. Everything is listed strictly in first release order, so things like singles that were released and later included in an album won't be listed twice. Tracks released on the same day in the same EP / album are listed in the order they appear on that release.

Each track will have its own page, which includes information on what was used in the track, stems if they're available, and any other personal notes. Track pages also include whatever work-in-progress clips I had of the song before it was released. A few things to note; while I believe I still have every project file of what I've worked on, the older they get the more likely it is certain things like samples or VSTs I may have moved or deleted have rendered the project incomplete — or, they may just be corrupted somehow. Stems will only be available for tracks where I still have the project file for it in the state it was released in.

On the topic of older tracks, for the first couple years I was uploading things pretty much exclusively to SoundCloud, which has a total upload duration limit, and hides old tracks if you upload too many new ones and aren't subscribed. While I still have access to the actual tracks on my PC, this means I might be missing some release information like when I actually uploaded them.

The titles of each release are exactly how they appeared on either Bandcamp or SoundCloud - everything I released was on either one of those at the very least.

You can download a table of every track as CSV below:

Parse song keys into lists?
...If a track has multiple keys, this will parse them into a list of those keys (will still be a list even if there's only one), otherwise they'll be written to the CSV just as they appear on the site. Example: G# / Ab minor (verse); E minor (chorus)

All key strings are always formatted as [note] [mode] for naturals, or [note]# / [note]b [mode] for accidentals; "major" and "minor" are used instead of "aeolian" and "ionian" for mode.

You'll eventually be able to access this site's data through REST API, more info on that as I develop it!

albums, EPs

individual tracks

everything | only originals | only covers
currently displaying: everything