Currently browsing tracks in order of their first release (go home) | (go to discography) | (previous: Vadalabene Drive) | (next: ennui) Black Sheep Released February 1, 2021 download .png Black Sheep by seth gibbs key: G# / Ab major Appears on: State Route Infinity resources click on a tab to see its contents master stems VSTs / gear used WIP clips & demos images (unused covers, etc.) No stems for this track yet! 2019 12 30 jan2021 download .mp3 2020 01 11 jan2021 download .mp3 2020 02 25 distorgan download .mp3 2020 02 26 jan2021 im not sure what this section is even called its not really a chorus but it feels like more than a verse and it doesnt have the usual song structure i use this song is turning out kinda weird download .mp3 No images for this track!