Currently browsing tracks in order of their first release (go home) | (go to discography) | (previous: Setting Out) | (next: Unspecified Anxiety) Familiar Petrichor Released April 3, 2022 download .png Familiar Petrichor by seth gibbs key: C# / Db major misc notes: Originally titled "Bloodstone" and was faster and more energetic early on. Appears on: State Route Infinity resources click on a tab to see its contents master stems VSTs / gear used WIP clips & demos images (unused covers, etc.) No stems for this track yet! 2021 05 01 bloodstone eyes download .mp3 2021 07 25 petrichor download .mp3 2021 08 02 petrichor download .mp3 2021 08 13 petrichor download .mp3 No images for this track!